Articles – English and Local dialect
Press release on Financial Cybercrime and Frauds
Financial Cybercrime and frauds is on the rise in the country and the state. Various…
New National Highway: Tamenglong – Peren via L. Pabram
Imaginary representation images Haibo mpui wangbo hai 1994 kom army officer DPK Pillay gu party…
NTTU would not sell or purchase timber from Peren district
The Nagaland Timber Trader’s Union (NTTU) on Monday meeting stated that it would not sell…
Poverty alleviation to wild life hunting
1.Tathan 2. Chahung 3. Tathiu ra kamchang kam bamme thaiting… Wildlife Sanctuary haise preserve thiukhai…
Tamei SDO brought COVID-19 material
Tamei, June 5th 2021: Tamei SDO Madam Renee Newmai brought COVID-19 material such as hand…
Vaccine hina side effects bam kamme khatdi 100% efficacy haye
Vaccine hina side effects bam kamme khatdi 100% efficacy hayeBy: Angambou Kalengtamai Raithu boga din…
Who is Responsible for the Present Medical Catastrophe?
The write up is pretty long; however please read till the end. By, T. Menamparambil…
Naga seed sowing festival “Lui-Ngai-Ni” celebrates in Tamenglong
Tamenglong, Feb. 15: Naga seed sowing festival “Lui-Ngai-Ni” was widely celebrated in Indoor stadium Tamenglong…
ZUF observed 106th Birth Anniversary of Rani Gaidinliu
The Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) observed the 106th Birth Anniversary of Legendary Freedom fighter of…