Incomplete construction of Tamenglong FCI
The construction completion for Food Corporation of India godown at Old Tamenglong was first set for ending of March 2020 and extended for March 2021.
Tamenglong, 25th Nov: The Food Corporation of India godown is located some 4 km from district headquarters and it is found that very few labourers are working. Some contractors have left the worksite and they are yet to resume their work when media team visited to the work site today to take stock of construction progress,
Almost all the earth works has been completed, except levelling of ground. All the contractors are out of station today and even subcontractors are all out of station and only headmistry is looking after the construction works who pour out their grievances to the media person.
Speaking to media person, one headmistry identify as Lokendro said that sand has started pulling from Barak River. Whenever brick is required they inform to the contractor concerned and next two-four days will send it.
The main threat to their work is acute shortage of water for construction purpose as well as consumption of the engaged labourers, he said.
The only water supply they got was from PHED Tamenglong who couldn’t provide frequently but spent thousands of rupees for water tanker.
All the tractors engaged in the construction of Food Corporation of India godown, office building, barrack, etc. have understood and set to complete by March 2021. However, the department is requesting the contractors to complete by February one month before the contractors target.
Construction of FCI Godown is executed by Central Public Works Department of India (CPWD) with total estimated of Rs. 27 crores and more than 10 sub- contractors are said to be working including Manipur film actor Gukul.