Nheng-(Langpram) Village in Tamei Tehsil of Tamenglong Dist, Manipur
Nheng is a small village in Tamei Tehsil, Tamenglong district located approximately 70 kms and 148kms from the district headquarter and state capital respectively. It has a total population of 415 peoples. There are 61 houses in Nheng village. It is situated on the westernfrontier of Tamei Tehsil and north of Tamenglong district. The inhabitants are exclusively Liangmai Community and spoke Lianglad. However, many of the villagers are well-versed in Manipuri, English and other regional dialects.
Nheng village is well-known among the neighbouring villages for its cleanliness and scenic landscapes in and around the village. Every house has a backyard orchard which adds to the beauty of the village. The fruits planted includes orange, lemon, pineapple, banana and other citrus fruits. Open defecation has been completely eradicated for quite some time now and every house has their own properly built toilets. Domesticated animals are not allowed to be set free within the inhabited area of the village. The villagers have the habit of sweeping their compound and nearby village road morning and evening.
Nheng village has a potential to be developed as ecotourism hotspot like Mawlynnong. With the help of Government support like giving proper guidelines and appropriate infrastructure especially road connectivity, this remote unknown village can be turn into a mystical paradise.
Submitted by:
Ismael Newmai, Pastor
Nheng Baptist Church, LNBA(M).