Tousem area students kick out COVID-19 Vaccination awareness
Tousem Area Students Organization’s (TASO) with COVID-19 task force in Collaboration with Tamenglong District Administration and Village’s Level Task Force Team had kick out on the Covid-19, Pandemic Awareness Campaign.
They have covered Siguiluang (Sibilong), Kaimai Naga/Kuki) and Goinangluang (Oinamlong) Village’s on 2nd June 2021.
The main Objective is to highlights, How Village Level Task Force (VLTF) should take care of SOPs and make Aware of Vaccination as one of the best way.
The TASO Teams had Distributed Awareness Banner to all respective village.
The TASO Teams, Covid-19 Pandemic, Awareness Campaign will cover up tomorrow with the support from Village Level Task Force Village Authority’s, Youth wings, Social Worker’s and Public along National Highway-37 of Goinangluang (Oinamlong) Segment & Phaitol Segment under the jurisdiction of Tousem Sub-Division, Tamenglong District, Manipur.
The COVID-19, TASK FORCE Team of TASO will continue work hand in hand to Prevent Yourself/Ourself Against Covid-19 in our Area’s and TASO team will continue colleberated the Tamenglong District Administration & Village Level Task Force in Tousem Sub-Division, Tamenglong District, Manipur.
The list of village for TASO covid 19 awareness banner.
- Barak Namtiram junction
- Azuram junction
- Phellong junction
- Impah PHC
- Thiulon
- Phoklong junction phsc
- Teguaram Junction
- Tousem PHC
- Mandu Junction
- Aben PHSC
- Longchai Junction
- Kaiphundai junction
- Tatbung
- Phaitol
- Kaimai Naga
- Nungkao highway
- Oinamlong PHC
- Siguilong Barak point.
- Magulong
- Katang Barak point.