Hospital & PHC

Tamei ga Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) tadkiu bambo

Tamei PHC niu danai R. Tale Memorial Bazaar shed Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) tadkiu khai mide. Haisi pawan wan ga tadkiu jiu bam me seniu soukum mai patu paron na malum masami sai haiga...

One more COVID-19 positive reported at Tamei

The PHC team Tamei is gear up with all they can to help public to not spread COVID-19 in the community. Tamei Town is home to all villages in the Sub-division which also connected...

Two Oxygen Concentrator donated for Tamei PHC

Two Oxygen Concentrator (10 litre) donated for Tamei PHC by Hon’ble Minister Shri Awangbow Newmai Minister of Forest, Environment, Climate Change and Sericulture.