Old Jalukie Village Shifting Day Observed

Jalukie, 11th Jan: The Old Jalukie Village Shifting Day Memorial Cum Peren District Open Volleyball Tournament was held on 11th January, 2021 with NZPO General Secretary, Kingudi Joseph as the Special Guest.
While addressing the gathering, the Special Guest congratulated the elders and citizens of the village and called upon them to be the bearers in all front to provide a healthy environment by adopting friendliness with neighbouring villages and tribes.
He also emphasized on the importance of sports and on how sports can mould an individual for it teaches an ethics and basic principles in one’s life. He also called for unity among the Zeliang brethens.
In the programme, a brief history of the village was shared by Chairman Old Jalukie Village Council, Hainkeing Hiekha. The programme was attended by elders, public leaders from the District, leaders from various Political parties and also Major Surub Dani of the 36th Assam Rifles, Peren.