Re-opening of Nagaland Tourism industry

Government of Nagaland decided to to re-open Tourism industry in a phased manner starting from December 27, 2020

Kohima, 22 Dec: In a major break through to advance and restore tourism in the state, the government of Nagaland has decided to re-open Tourism industry in a phased manner.
According to notification from Commissioner & Secretary Tourism, I. Kitto Zhimomi today stated that the decision was taken by the High Powered Committee during a meeting held on December 18 after considering that tourism industry is important for the state as well as many are economically dependent on it.
It said the re-opening of tourism in the state in the first phase will be for domestic tourist only which starts from 27th of this month. It said there will be only one entry point from Dimapur by road, rail or air. The notification said every tourist will have to possess a negative report of COVID-19 test done through RT-PCR, TrueNat or CBNAAT, not earlier than three days prior to arrival to the state, however, Rapid Antigen Test Negative report will not be considered adequate for entry into the state.
It also stated that tourist concerned will be required to obtain a Tourist Inner Line Permit, ILP which will be available only in the online mode in the first phase through the portal
Further, after obtaining the ILP and COVID negative test report, the tourist will register themselves in the tourism Nagaland website or install Nagaland Tourism Official App wherein required information and document needs to be uploaded. It also further informed that all tourist travel or visits to the state will be permitted only for Pre-booked or Package tours for which an E-invite will be generated for the proposed itinerary.
All cost that may involve in testing, treatment or isolation will be borne by the tourist concerned. Besides, every tourist before his or her entry into the state will have to install and register on Aarogya Setu and should follow all health safety protocols and SOPs issued as applicable to any visitor. Any violation to the SOP may lead to penal action as per the relevant sections of the law.