Ordination of two Associate Pastors held in Tamenglong

TAMENGLONG, Dec. 06: In what could be termed as great significant day in the history of Zeliangrong Baptist Church Tamenglong, two Associate Pastors were ordained on Sunday afternoon and given the title of Reverence.
The two Associate Pastors who are ordained were Rev. Johnkim Pamei and Rev. Chingkhiuluanang Gonmei. The ordination program was held at the Zeliangrong Baptist Church Tamenglong ministered by its Emeritus Pastor Rev Dr Lamdin Pamei under the theme “I have chosen you and ordained you”.

“To work scripturally consecrated as a full-fledged Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Christ, to exercise and perform all the Biblical Rites and Church Ordinances for edification and perfection of the body of Christ Baptism, Lord’s Supper, Funerals and Weddings having been duly recommended by ordination committee, I have ordained you”, Emeritus Pastor Rev Dr Lamdin Pamei said.
Zion Baptist Church Pastor Rev Chingkhiupou Riamei, Taodai Fellowship Pastor Rev Dimthanlung Pr, former general secretary ZBCC, General Secretary of ZBCCNEI Dr Adui N. H, Emmanuel baptist church Pastor Rev Guingopou Gonmei, Tamenglong Baptist Church Pastor Liangcham and neighbouring church Pastors, and Pastors from branch churches of Zeliangrong Baptist Church Tamenglong attended and witnessing the ordination of two pastors.
In the meantime annual delegates meeting of Baptist Churches Union of India (BCUI) was concluded that here today at Zeliangrong Baptist Church Tamenglong.
The meeting was presided by Baptist Churches Union of India Chairman Chingkhiuluanang where leaders from 10 churches are taking part in the meeting.
According to their church reports, pandemic covid-19 has caused many hindrances to church activities from normal activities.