COVID-19 awareness cum outreach testing camp held at Tamenglong

Tamenglong, 14 Nov: The Non Communicable Diseases Cell Tamenglong under the aegis of district health society Tamenglong organised community level awareness on palliative care, world diabetes day, covid awareness cum outreach testing camp at Rani Market Chabagaan Inriangluang Tamenglong.
Chief Medical Officer Tamenglong Dr Chambo Gonmei and District AIDs Control Officer/ DNO NCD district Hospital Tamenglong Dr G Majachunglu attended as chief guest and president of the function respectively.

Medical Officers of district hospital Tamenglong including Dr Gaiduanreiliu, Dr Loiusa Golmei, Dr Titus Gangmei and Dr Sangthuanliu also attended and shared the dais.
Free HIV counselling and testing, free eye vision screening, Electrocardiography (ECG) screening, BP check-up, sugar testing, free testing for COVID-19, etc. was conducted as part the health programme.