Inside the COVID-19 ICU

Experiencing with the first Covid19 symptomatic case leading to death in our Dist.Hospital Wokha.
A male patient 38 years old well built energetic apparently healthy looking came to hospital with fever cough and breathing difficulty for 3 to 4 days history. He was admitted in Isolation ward and got tested positive for Covid19 same day. All the necessary precautions and govt. SOP’s were followed by all the HCW’s.
He was administered all the required treatment protocols as per ICMR guidelines. We categorized him as moderate case as per his signs and symptoms presentation. The next day he was shifted to our ICU for continuous vitals monitoring and treatments. His sign and symptom especially respiratory ie breathing problem continuously deteriorating within a span of 2 days. His Oxygen saturation could not be improved inspite of receiving 100% Oxygen under Non-Invasive-Ventilation. We tried our best with all our limited facilities available in our Hospital, but his intake of Oxygen in the body is not improving by means of medicines and machines. Every second, minutes, hours count; but this Corona virus is not sparing his body.
We can put him under Ventilator in our ICU but his condition is fast deteriorating and prognosis is not good and promising. So its not worth putting him in mechanical ventilation ie life support.
The reality of Corona signs and symptoms were fully depicted through this patient. It is so painful and heartbreaking when some one you are treating is not going to help out and its more heartbreaking and sympathetic when you cannot share your feeling to your closed immediate family members especially your spouse and kids before your last breathe and that is Dying Alone in ICU bed.
His last word was “Im so hungry Doctor, Can I have food “and breathe his last after 5 minutes. I was wondering how much he must be missing and longing to see his beloved wife and children around him at this point of pain and hungriness.
Yes I came to realised that the Reality of Corona really Bites. It can hit hard and fast. It does not spare young, healthy energetic and well built guy. Taking preventive precaution is much better than going through all the invasive and non-invasive procedures in and outside the Hospital is what I learnt.
Dr. Wemeri Khutsoh
I/C ICU District Hospital Wokha.
Source-WhatsAap: This story is not a confirmed article but circulating in the WhatsApp. Article seems to be genuine as only one death was reported from Wokha, Nagaland and this article start circulating the very next day.