Peren DTF fixes rates for quarantine
Peren District COVID-19 Task Force meeting was held on 10th August, 2020 at DC Chamber, District Hq. Peren under the chairmanship of DC Peren, Sentiwapang Aier, NCS who is also the DTF Chairman. The meeting was also attended by representatives from JAC, NZPO President and ZSU (N) President.
The house deliberated on the requirement to identify additional structures for Quarantine Facility and Covid Care Centre. In this regard Veterinary College Girls Hostel and Zeliangrong Baudi Hall were identified as Quarantine Facility while St. Xavier College Auditorium and GHSS Chapel Hall as Covid Care Centre.
With regard to quarantine centres managed and arranged by the District Administration, the board members also decided to start charging fooding fees to quarantinees at a minimal rate wef from 10th August, 2020, in this connection the members has fixed the rate from Rs. 300 to Rs. 350 per person per day.
Regarding transportation of returnees from Dimapur and Kohima, the board entrusted the Civil Societies headed by the JAC to approach the two elected MLAs of Peren District to assist the Administration in managing the transportation services/expenses.
DC informed the members that the next DTF meeting will be held on 17th August, 2020 and therefore requested all the members to attend without fail.
Later, after the DTF meeting discussion was also held in regard to forthcoming Independence Day Celebration which is to be held on 15th August, 2020 at DC Complex, District Hq. Peren
(Source: DPRO, IA Peren)