Active Cases in Nagaland stands at 14

The active case in Nagaland stands at 14 with 3 more fresh cases detected in the last 24 hour. Out of 35,949 cases registered in the state, 1,513 were migrated to different states while 33,61 cured/ recovered and 781 deaths.

Nagaland Covid-19 WarRoom 24×7 Helpline : +91 8929407417

Nagaland Civil Secretariat
Kohima : Nagaland – 797004

  1. Email:
  2. Phone: 0370-2270033

State Emergency Operation Centre(SEOC) NSDMA, Home Department

  1. Email:
  2. Phone: 0370-2291122 / 2291120

Nagaland House Delhi, Covid Emergency Centre

  1. 8527358055 / 8130698328
  2. 8130698306 / 7005123400

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