NBSE Assessment Guidelines 2021 to all schools in Nagaland

Kohima, 9th July 2021 (DIPR): The Nagaland Board of School Education stated that it had notified to its registered schools vide Notification No. 35/2021 dated 20.5.2021 on how the schools should conduct the online classes/academic activities. Assessment guidelines for the schools to make continuous assessments in parts and submit the consolidated marks secured by the students were given vide No.NBE-10/Ad-Misc(10)/2021-22/814 dated 14.6.2021.
However, it has come to the notice of the Government that some schools are not adhering to the guidelines given by the Board and conducting assessments at a stretch of 3(three) hours duration with an examination routine.
Therefore, the Board has notified once again that schools must follow the given Assessment Guidelines 2021, failing which appropriate action shall be initiated against the erring schools.