Notice of publication of photo electoral roll

From SDO Office, Namraining (Tamei)
The Electors of 52- Tamei Assembly constituency of Tamenglong District.
No.1/ERO(52)/ELEC/SSR-2023: It is hereby notified for information to the general public that the list of the amendment to the draft photo Electoral Roll for 52- Tamei (ST) Assembly constituency has been prepared with the reference to 01.01.23 as the qualifying date and in accordance with the Registration of Electoral Rules, 1960.
Copies of the said photo Electoral Roll together with the said list of amendment have been published and will be available for inspection at the office of the undersigned during office hours on all working days.
Further, an eligible citizen, who is going to attain the age of eighteen years on any of the subsequent qualifying dates in the year 2023 that is to say, the 1st April 2023, the 1st July 2023, or the 1st October 2023 may also file his or her claim for inclusion of his or her name in the roll, in Form-6, in advance, starting from the date of notice for filling claim and objection i.e from 9th Nov. 2022 to 8th Dec. 2022, and the same shall be considered and decided in the respective quarter of the year with reference to the respective qualifying date.